Engineering Services for
Microstructure simulation

Tom Cvjetkovic, Engineer

My understanding of materials didn’t start with textbooks, but on the shop floor – for precision turbocharger components, where a micron’s difference was crucial.

This combination of hands-on manufacturing intuition and computational expertise allows me to see simulation challenges differently. I hold an M.Sc. in Computational Engineering with specialization in numerical methods, complementing my practical expertise in material simulation.

After working as a GeoDict application engineer at Math2Market, I chose to work directly with development teams – helping transform virtual insights into practical product improvements.

My simulation approach has helped clients to develop completely new innovative filtration products, gain insights into their materials and reduce development cycles compared to traditional prototyping and lab experiments.

I bring these simulation capabilities to your R&D team – offering immediate access to insights and valuable results. And support your transition to building GeoDict simulation capabilites in house.



Logo Klar2O GmbH
Klar2O GmbH

Water filtration: Virtual development of the functional multidisperse granular support structure to create a highly innovative microplastics filter.
Logo Trans-Textil GmbH
Trans-Textil GmbH

High quality technical visualization of advanced products for technical marketing material.


I am using in the scientific software GeoDict, which has been successfully employed in research and industry for many years (see customer references from Math2Market).

GeoDict is developed and distributed by the renowned company Math2Market GmbH.
As an engineer, I utilize this powerful tool to effectively support my clients in all aspects of digital material design, addressing their questions and technical challenges.

Additional software tools